Introducing... John Marrs

‘Introducing…’ is our online interview series to introduce you to some of the amazing authors we’re working with and the brilliant books they have coming up!

Following the wonderful poet Scarlett Sabet, our next instalment looks at novelist John Marrs, author of the fantastic What Lies Between Us.


Welcome! To start with, could you tell us a little bit about yourself…

I’m a former journalist who spent 25 years writing for British magazines, including Guardian’s The Guide, Q, GT, Total Film, Company and S Magazine. I published my first novel in 2014 and my most recent one, What Lies Between Us, is my seventh. I gave up journalism two years ago to write full-time. I live in Northants with my husband, also called John, our baby and our dog.  I’m lucky in that I write for two publishers – for one, it’s psychological fiction and the other, it’s psychological fiction with a futuristic-twist.

What Lies Between Us is out on 15th May. In your own words, could you give us an overview of the book? 

It’s a dark, claustrophobic saga about two women who share a house – one lives on the second floor, one on the ground floor. It’s immediately obvious that there’s tension between them, yet every second night, they’ll meet for dinner on the middle floor. But why? Throughout the book, we gradually learn the cause of the hatred between them.

What was your inspiration for the story? 

My last two books included a police procedural followed by a high-concept thriller, so this time, I wanted to write something very character-led and that encompassed a long period in two people’s lives. Some have compared this to a cross between Gillian Flynn’s Sharp Objects and Gail Honeyman’s Eleanor Olyphant Is Completely Fine. I find that very flattering.

How did you find the writing process? Do you work to a set schedule?

I try and write from about 9am until 6pm, but as long as I get at least 2,000 words a day on my screen of the first draft, then my working days can be shorter. But since we had our son eight months ago, my schedule now consists of grabbing any moment I can before feeds and nappy changes and in between sleeps. Mine, not his! 

What are you most excited about for the launch of the book?

I’ve been lucky in that most of my books generally get great reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. But the early pre-release reviews so far for this one have been exceptionally good. I’ve felt quite blown away by it. My fingers are crossed that once it’s out in the big bad world, everyone else will enjoy it too.

The pandemic has had a profound impact on people around the world. How has it been for you personally?

In all honesty, we have been fortunate. We live in a village with our boy and our dog and there are plenty of long walks we can do to keep us occupied. He’s also not yet at an age where he’s very demanding when it comes to being entertained. Obviously, we’ve not been able to see parents, grandparents, friends and go to the shops etc, but they are small prices to pay to maintain our health and to not put anyone else at risk.

How has it impacted your work as a writer?

It has given me extra time to spend plotting my next book. I have the luxury of eighteen-months before it needs to be delivered to my publisher, so I have plenty of time to decide where the story is going and to really develop the characters. Until now, I’ve preferred to just get on with the writing process and see what happens. This time, I’m trying it a different way. 

And finally, can you tell us what you’ve got on your own reading list?

I’ve just finished reading My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell in paperback, and I’ve been listening to the audiobook of Platform Seven by Louise Doughty. Next on my list is Holly Seddon’s The Wanted.

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For more information on and to buy What Lies Between Us, go here.

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Dylan Winn-Brown

Dylan Winn-Brown is a freelance web developer & Squarespace Expert based in the City of London.

